My Story
by Rosemary (FHK-L-1)
My wife has gone to bed because she has to feed the baby at some unearthly hour tomorrow morning, and as I was still not very tired I put on my brown flecked suit and a pair of light brown high heeled shoes over the undies and nylons I had been wearing all even- ing--and thought I would try and give my little bit to Transvestia which in the last few months has given me so much pleasure and con- tentment. I felt that as I had enjoyed reading other people's life histories mine might also be of interest particularly as I am on e of the few Englishmen who have found the magazine.
I come from a fairly well to do family and am one of three boys and to the best of my knowledge was not kept in dresses as a child, nor was I subjugated to petticoat punishment, but I have since found out that my parents would have liked a girl and it is possible that this subconscious desire had some effect on me. Personally I feel
the basic reason lies in my temperament--of this more later.
I went to boarding school at the ripe age of 8 and I feel that the seeds were sown there for I have been told that I was a very trusting child and also on the shy side which I can assure you is a fatal combination for the rough and tumble of an all boy's school. I very soon discovered, however, that the easiest way of stopping anyone teasing me was to beat him up. In this way I obtained the necessary peace and quiet, but I did develop a habit of escaping from the harsh realities of life by day dreaming and I came to the conclusion that a girl's life was easier and more pleasant than a boy's, so I started practicing TVism.
I found that some little used trunks in my home contained a wonderful selection of my mother's clothes which although a little on the large side were capable of being worn by me, so I rummaged through the trunks and borrowed the clothes which appealed to me. To this day I remember a pink dress which was styled as for the thirties when indeed it was probably bought and this, together with a few undies, I hid in a box in the basement and when the opportunity arose I would dress up.
As to be expected, after a period of time my mother found me